Resultados: 3

Calidad de vida laboral y estrategias de mejora del trabajo de la enfermería docente

RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar los factores laborales que influyen en la calidad de vida laboral de los enfermeros y enfermeras docentes y construir estrategias para mejorarla. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, cualitativo, desarrollado con enfoque de epidemiología crítica, realizad...

Health promotion by nursing technicians from the nurses' perspective

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze education and practice of nursing technicians in health promotion, from the perspective of teaching nurses of technical course and Primary Health Care nurses. Method: an exploratory study with qualitative data analysis, carried out in the city of São Paulo, through semi-...

Nursing laboratory and critical education of nurses: approaches and distances

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the contribution of the laboratory of nursing to the critical education of nurses. Method: qualitative study, conducted among 18 professors of higher education institutions, being one public and the other private. Data were collected between February and November of 2016 ...